Moisturize me Cap’n!

coconut oil

Hair moisturization is so important in the care of natural hair. I mean, it can’t be repeated enough how imporant it is. Moisture in the hair also keeps your hair looking and feeling nice.

Here are some tips I can provide on maintaining beautifully moisturized hair (advice I know I need to routinely make myself keep up with):

1) Wrap your hair at night with a satin scarf. This is important that you do this. Not only does it prevent lent, but it helps keep moisture in your hair. You can also try purchasing a satin pillow case as an alternative. It’s so hard to remember to put this doggone thing on at night and it slips off as well. Try to buy one that will stay on! Also, don’t tie it too tightly. You don’t want to cut off blood circulation to your areas of your scalp.

2) Avoid sulfates in shampoos. As mentioned in an earlier post, sulfate ingredients can really strip your hair of natural moisture and cause you problems with maintaining soft cottony hair.

3) Avoid shea butter, silicones, and parabens. These ingredients coat the strands of the hair and provide an artificial shine. They also cause build-up. Sulfate free shampoos also tend to cause build up; however, that’s why you can use lemon juice to remove the build-up like I mentioned in my last post.

I got this information from watching another Youtuber. Here’s the video! Watch it 🙂 It’s interesting what Casey goes through and learns.

4) Try using a light oil to moisturize. Use a light oil like Coconut Oil to moisturize your hair after spritzing your hair with distilled water. I find that Coconut Oil is light, doesn’t feel greasy, and leaves my hair feeling soft. Some people have used leave in conditioners. I haven’t tried them yet because I am afraid of build-up; nonetheless, I am willing to trying any leave-in conditioners in my locs… I just have to do some research!

There you have it. My four tips for maintaining a healthy, clean head of locs that are moisturized and soft.

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